Timelapse by Javi Lorbada

How Art Streaming Elevated Clinic Waiting Room: The Arquer Institute’s Success Story

Client: Arquer Institute | Industry: Healthcare

Discover a success story of how WindowSight art streaming platform improved the waiting room experience in Arquer Sports Medicine Center, creating a relaxing environment and increasing patient satisfaction.

"Our patients no longer complain about pre-appointment waiting. In fact, they’ve been complimenting our new waiting room experience since we added WindowSight solution" – Berta Arquer, Manager and Receptionist at the Arquer Institute

About the Arquer Institute

The Arquer Institute is a Barcelona-based Sports Medical Center founded in 1983 by Dr. Andreu Arquer.

Known for its inclusive treatment approach, the clinic recently moved to a new location, offering a fresh opportunity to redesign the waiting area to enhance patient well-being. Traditional decor like green plants and comfortable seats were incorporated, but they needed a dynamic visual element to complete the transformation.

That’s why Berta Arquer, Clinic Manager and Receptionist, decided to include a TV to display calming images that would distract patients from waiting. However, this presented several challenges.

“We were looking for decoration elements that would make people feel calm. As for the TV’s content, we concluded that the best visual appeal to ensure our patients' tranquility was to display collections of historical, cultural and nature photography.” – Berta Arquer, Manager and Receptionist at the Arquer Institute

The challenge: Tedious Content Management

Displaying TV images turned into a time-consuming chore. The basic TV offered no options to automate the content display. As a result, TV had to be switched on and off regularly. This would lead not only to technical difficulties (frequent malfunction and pixelation after long usage), but also stressed out staff.

On top of that, the displayed images had to be searched for and updated manually, which burdened the Clinic Manager with additional responsibilities.

The poor quality of the visual experience contrasted with the Institute’s overall high-quality service, resulting in growing patient complaints. Due to the absence of visual stimuli, patient boredom and stress were heightened.

“We knew it was somewhat unpleasant, but we didn’t have the right tools to fix it.”
– explained Berta

The collaboration: Transforming Clinic Waiting Room with Art Streaming

Fortunately, Berta crossed paths with the WindowSight team at the right time. She was frustrated with the TV experience, so WindowSight approached the clinic with a comprehensive digital art solution.

It consisted of a professional TV installation in Arquer’s waiting room and access to the WindowSight art streaming platform with a wide range of licensed art and photography images. The content was specifically customized to the Institute’s needs and preferences, providing patients with a memorable visual experience that helps them relax before their appointment.

Ever since, WindowSight has empowered Berta to effectively manage the waiting room experience without compromising her valuable time. WindowSight’s art curatorship team has presented a variety of art & photography collections aligned with the clinic desired ambience. Furthermore, the clinic can now easily schedule content as well as the TV shutdown in accordance with the clinic’s open hours.

"Everything runs so smoothly, we don't even have to remember to turn off the TV at the end of the day" - Berta Arquer

“Nature in Motion” Collection by Babak Tafreshi
Sample of content displayed at the Arquer Institute

“Autumn Vibes” Playlist by Fernando Pedro Salgado
Sample of content displayed at the Arquer Institute

“Healthcare professionals – physicians, nurses, caregivers – are dedicated to providing the best care for their patients. Their kindness and compassion sometimes extend appointments’ length, causing the latter to be delayed. This creates a prolonged waiting period that can frustrate waiting patients. To counteract this, healthcare providers need to implement alternative methods to distract and entertain patients and make the best out of their waiting areas, in which case the right visual art and photography visuals can be helpful.” – Pol Rosset, Co-Founder and CEO of WindowSight.

The Study and Impact of Art Streaming in the Waiting Room

To consistently deliver a high-quality service to clinic patients, the WindowSight team decided to conduct a case study and determine the effectiveness of the art streaming solution in the clinic waiting area.

To reach that goal, a WindowSight User Experience Analyst timed the patients’ real-time waiting periods and asked them how long they felt they had waited before entering the doctor’s office.

The study measured perceived wait time by comparing two groups: one with the old TV setup and another with WindowSight’s art streaming solution.

Study findings:

  • Control group: patients viewing the previous TV installation with repetitive images and poor TV management perceived the waiting time as 6% shorter (on average) than the actual time.
  • Experimental group: patients exposed to WindowSight’s art streaming solution with diverse high-quality collections perceived the waiting time as 43% shorter (on average) than the actual time.
Overall, WindowSight’s art streaming solution helped reduce average perceived wait time by 37% compared to the previous TV experience. Moreover, patients started providing positive feedback, showing engagement with the visual content, reduced use of mobile phones and increased interaction with their companions and other patients.

Berta Arquer and Dr. Andreu Arquer, at the clinic’s waiting area. Timelapse in the background by Javi Lorbada

“Ever since the TV experience was upgraded, we’ve noticed that our patients exhibit more relaxed behavior, whether it is during the appointment or while waiting. We've enhanced the overall experience at the center.” – highlighted Dr. Arquer as one of the most important outcomes of the collaboration.

Discussion: Art Streaming for Clinic Waiting Rooms

These days more and more industries recognise the need to create an engaging atmosphere for visitors. Michael Blackman, Managing Director of ISE show with whom we collaborated for the 2023 exhibition, praised WindowSight’s concept as an effective method to provide entertaining distractions in waiting areas and other public spaces:

“In public spaces, waiting becomes boring and seems long when you have nothing to occupy your mind. If you can distract people like Disneyland entertainers do with children and their families in long queues, then the time of waiting becomes shorter and you see less dissatisfied customers. Therefore, WindowSight’s concept of creating distracting artful surroundings would be suitable for hospitals or doctors’ waiting rooms, public transportation or any other space where people have to wait.” – Michael Blackman, Managing Director of ISE show

Bringing art streaming to your clinic

WindowSight offers a versatile art streaming solution that adapts to any clinic’s branding and interior needs, enhancing the waiting room experience with a diverse range of digital art. If you’re interested in transforming your clinic’s waiting room into a relaxing and engaging space, contact us today. Unlock the benefits of art streaming for your clinic. Transform your waiting room experience and delight your patients today!  

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