Error accessing the app: Parental Control

WindowSight includes Sensitive Content that may not be suited for all audiences at all times. As a result, some Parental Control tools may restrict its access. 

In case you cannot log into the app, access the website, or properly see certain content, we recommend you check if your device is using a Parental Control tool; you may be able to disable it depending on its configuration:


Network Parental Control 

This type of tool controls and limits access to multiple devices which are connected to its network, for instance the  wi-fi at a mall, university, or library. 


Device’s Operating System Parental Control

Many TVs, laptops and mobile devices today have parental controls by default in their operating system which can be deactivated through the device’s settings. 


Software Parental Control

Check if you have a parental control app or antivirus software installed on your device that is interfering with the other apps. They usually block websites, limit screen time, or control online activity. You may be able to adjust the settings or directly uninstall it. 


Browser Parental Control

Check your browser’s (Safari, Chrome, Firefox…) configuration for filters or extensions. These may allow for more customization. 

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